An internship in a music venue in Chicago and my following journey throughout different US cities, enjoying every second of their live music, made me open my eyes about the dying state of music scene in Spain. At this very moment, I felt the need to share my experience with the rest of the world, to check how serious the illness was and, at the same time, to send a word of warning for all seafarers in order to prevent this situation to occur in other countries.
Kids used to sing is a denunciation facing the mutilation which music and the rest of art activities are suffering nowadays. At the same time, it is a calling to hope and fight in order to ensure that nobody can snatch what is ours.
People in both sides of the Atlantic who, in some way, day by day live off music show us, through true and committed opinions, their vision of the music scene in their corresponding communities. The respect to the musician, the scarce education, the lack of opportunities and the persecution of freedom are just some of the aspects who frequently appear as a part of the problem. The situation in Spain is extremely critical and whereas in other countries music seems to enjoy better health, here the scenery starts becoming dark.